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Tuesday, July 05, 2011


So, Example did go to number one for two weeks and did a great Graham Norton show. Its funny when I mention to you do when you're a proud father.....that your son is in the top ten, they just say oh that's good. When you say they are at no.1 their reaction is totally different. They are really impressed. See nobody care about being second.

One more contract then I go to Milan to see Take That....again. They were magnificent at Wembley, Oh and Robbie was world class..... a mega star. He is well and truly back. Then I'm going down to Leche in the South of Italy for a week at my mates house. Couple more shows, then in August I'm doing a cameo part in a Scottish film about the 1926 miners strike. Then its off to LA for 3 weeks.
Life is pretty good just now....what the hell its always good...I'm a very lucky man.


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