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Sunday, April 30, 2017

What's to do

So..... been a great couple of months. Went to LA for two weeks and had my dose of driving down Sunset Blvd with hood it. Then Ross and I joined the Queen Victoria for a little trip down to Guatamala.....still cant spell it. Not my favourite place in the world. Flew back to LA and then home. I had a few days off then picked up the Queen Mary 2 in Dubai. It was a nice trip met some other acts on board and had a few laughs. So now I"m home for a few days and fly to pick up the Queen Elizabeth on its last part of its world cruise. So I'm pretty Cunarded up. I love these ships.
Kate's single came out on the 31st of March. Its moving nicely but not much happening yet. The record company say its about a 2 month run up to getting on the radio. Its so hard. Great song though 'Hands' written and produced by David. His track on Tinnie Tempa's album is out as well. So hoping for a publishing deal soon.
Not much else to tell you but just remember 'everyday above the grun is a bonus"


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