So......what's been happening. Actually just work. Which I'm not complaining about but it's not particularly exciting to write about. I flew home from Seville yesterday and my connection was in Madrid. So I flew Iberia and because the plane was late I only had 40 minutes to get to the next gate for my connection. I looked at the board and it told me that the next gate was 19 minutes away. I ran and ran.....along, down, up , over, onto a train to take me to the next terminal and got there by the skin of my teeth. I walked down to a bus which took me back to the terminal I had just left and onto a plane parked next to the one I had just got off.....Oh how I love travelling.
I received an email from a sad old man recently (via my web site) He had been on the Oceana and as a Scot he complained bitterly about a little throw away gag I use about the Glaswegians. Out of context its not particularly funny and only works as part of a routine, so I wont go into it. However he suggested I stop knocking the Glaswegians and that I retire. Has he forgotten I'm Scottish and therefore allowed to have a little knock at my own people. Do Jewish comedians not have a go at their own kind....or any other race for that matter. Anyway wherever he is, in his boring little sad house I suggest he gets out more.
I do think that political correctness has gone mad. Funny is funny and as long as its not too cruel you should just laugh and enjoy. Other than that its a nice busy summer mostly on Cunard's beautiful Queen ships. Jane's gearing up for the Take That tour, David is gearing up for the festival season with Example and Kate is gearing up for her first starring roll in Arts Ed's musical concert. So all is well in the Stewart house hold. My thoughts are with Mario who is suffering from the dreaded C. I'm sure he'll beat it.