Had a great meeting with Andy Gray this week. I couldn't believe its 3 years since worked together....it seems like yesterday.....and you know what a shitty day yesterday was.....sorry old gag. It was great. I have written a play for Aunty May and Hughie (Andy). It was the first draft and Jo Freer played the female parts. I was really pleased with the way it went. I now have to go back and put all the great ideas they both came up with into the play. I'm hoping to put it on in the Autumn of 2011, but we might go out with Jolson again at that time so it might have to go to 2012.....God its scary when you start planning everything so far in advance. The fact that I'm signed to panto in the Kings till 2017 is very weird.
I've decided not to do a show after the panto this year as the only week available was too soon after the season.
I've one more ship contract then I'm off to LA for 3 weeks. Really looking forward to it. I love it out there. One of my old friends from Copy Cats, Andrew O'conner, has just moved out there permanently. We have so many friends out there now.
David still loving working with Example and doing the whole pop start bit. He will leave the band in December to pursue his own thing. He is putting out a free down load soon of a great song Virtual Love. Kate just back from Ibiza living the millionaire life style as she does. Jane great and busy again, but cant wait for the hols.
Paul and I have almost finished the panto. It is looking really good this year. Got some funny bits for Andy and I, and Granty boy is particularly bad this year.....I mean that in a caring way darling (Edna Evarage voice)
Ok Bye
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